Matching Replacement Windows With Exterior Color Scheme

If you do not like the color of the walls in a room, you can easily change it. You choose another color, you repaint the walls and… that`s it. But what do you do when you no longer like the color of the exterior walls of the house? It is much more difficult to paint a facade, plus it costs you more money and you can do this operation only during May-September. Therefore, when choosing the colors for the exterior of your home, you must plan ahead carefully.

First of all, the color you choose must match the architectural style of your house and of the other houses in the neighborhood.

Here are some color combinations suitable for different types of houses and the Lincoln replacement windows you may install.

  • Colonial-style houses are mostly white-painted. A little turquoise on the front door and purple on the wooden frames of the windows represent the modern chromatic approach for this type of house.
  • Dark chocolate brown or dark grey – both in combination with white – are great color schemes for modern homes.
  • The natural color of the wood is a beautiful chromatic addition that is difficult to ignore, which is why many houses have exterior wooden design elements, which can be designed to match almost any style.
  • Traditional houses look excellent in brick and white, especially if they also have a wooden shingle roof.